Children start secondary school at 11 years old (in Year 7) and will leave at 16 years old (after Year 11) or at 18 years old (after Year 13). This covers KS3, 4 and 5. Secondary schools teach children the full spectrum of subjects; to include English, Maths, Science, Religious Education, PSHEE, History, Geography, Foreign Languages, Design Technology, Music, Business and Physical Education. Secondary education culminates in sitting the GCSE exams at the end of KS4, which children start studying for in Year 9/10. Children are often required to hold at least 5 GCSE pass grades to progress onto the next level of education (KS5 – post 16 education to include A-Levels or BTECs).
Adapted from:
Secondary Webinar: Q&A Session on Schools Reopening 31 May 2020 - AKEB
Top Tips for Secondary and Further Education - Naeema Kassam - AKEB
Top Tips for Secondary - Majid Hakamali - AKEB
Secondary Webinar: Q&A Session on School Closures 5 April 2020 - AKEB
Secondary Webinar - Supporting my Child's Wellbeing - AKEB